OUR DNA Il brand Devon&Devon nasce nel 1989 a Firenze da un'idea imprenditoriale di Gianni e Paola Tanini. La coppia di architetti guida l'azienda omonima sin dagli esordi, Gianni in qualità di AD e Paola di Art Director, e ne condivide la vision manageriale e creativa: creare una sala da bagno completa e coordinata ispirata alle atmosfere della tradizione europea e al più raffinato design americano della prima metà del Novecento. Insieme hanno contribuito alla crescita e al riconoscimento internazionale del brand. Oggi Devon&Devon esporta in oltre ottanta paesi con una rete di qualificati retailers e flagship stores localizzati in alcune delle più prestigiose capitali del mondo. CREATED IN FLORENCE Florence, an icon of beauty and cradle of a century-old tradition of good taste, is subtly evident in the strict geometrical designs and clean-cut shapes of Devon&Devon collections. The company has a strong, intrinsic link with the Tuscan city where the ideas of Gianni and Paola Tanini take shape, where the inspirations, sketches, travel notes of a lifetime are transformed into unique creations intended to furnish the most beautiful homes in the world. INSPIRED BY THE WORLD Devon&Devon re-interprets the fascination of aesthetic traditions of the past in its own, unique and original style with an unmistakable contemporary classic look. The result is an elegant, eclectic symbiosis of Art Deco, Belle Epoque, Victorian and Florentine Renaissance style, also reminiscent of the Dolce Vita, the Jazz Age and exquisitely Hollywood style atmospheres. The Devon&Devon bathroom, with its understated, sophisticated and timeless fascination, expresses the epitome of this style. A TRADITION OF QUALITY Devon&Devon creations are crafted day by day by skilled artisans working at small production units in the most famous manufacturing centres of Italy and Europe. Their talent and expertise, handed down patiently from generation to generation, is reflected in a manufacturing policy with an unerring vocation for attention to details and quality.