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Moothedan Pools

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Moothedan Pools is the #1 branded swimming pool company holding the strongest brand equity in the emerging swimming pool market of India. When Mr.Thanusak Phungdet left the French pool company to setup a modern pool factory named JD Pools in Thailand, it created ripples across the swimming pool capitals of the world, France & Thailand. Little time it took for the dealers of the French company across the world, to join hands with JD Pools including Jose Moothedan of Moothedan Pools in India. Today JD Pools in the largest swimming pool manufacturer in the ASEAN catering to the vast swimming pool market of the world. In the year 2013 JD Pools on its 15th Anniversary and Moothedan Pools on its 10th Anniversary together have managed to consolidate the #1 position in the respective markets.