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43 Grade Cement

43 Grade Cement


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Dsp Cement

Dsp Cement


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PPC  Vajram Cement

PPC Vajram Cement


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PSC Cement

PSC Cement


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SRPC (Sulphate Resisting Cement)

SRPC (Sulphate Resisting Cement)


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Superoof Cement

Superoof Cement


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We have been a leader in cement manufacturing since 1939. And, though the modern cement manufacturing market in India is getting more and more competitive with each passing day, we are only growing over time. Our cement plants in India have grown manifolds in terms of capacity; we are also acquiring some new plants to increase the volume and expand further. We have cement manufacturing plants in southern states of Tamil Nadu (Dalmiapuram & Ariyalur) and Andhra Pradesh (Kadapa), with a capacity of 9 million tonnes per annum. A leader in cement manufacturing since 1939, DCBL is a multi spectrum Cement player with double digit market share and a pioneer in super specialty cements used for Oil wells, Railway sleepers and Air strips. We also hold a stake of 74 % in OCL India Ltd., a major cement Player in the Eastern Region. Recently we have acquired the brands Adhunik Cement & Calcom Cement in North East.The group now controls an expandable capacity of 25 million tonnes. Apart from world-class cement manufacturing plants in India, what makes us unique as a cement manufacturer is our constant ability to innovate. On the key efficiency parameters, we rank right up there with the best of cement companies in the industry. We have set up over 53 windmills in Muppandal (Tamil Nadu) to generate inexpensive and eco-friendly captive power for our plant. This power is wheeled through the State utility transporter for consumption at the plant. With the cement plants located close to their source of raw materials, we keep our freight and transport costs low, giving it an edge over competition. Over 65 per cent of the cement consumption in India is catered to by the retail segment where branding and distribution are the critical drivers for leadership. And it is in this that we enjoy an edge over our competitors. We are the only single unit cement manufacturer to successfully market our brands in core markets at prices on par with those of large consolidated/national players. In our focus area of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, which are among the fastest growing in cement consumption, we enjoy a significant market share today. Our brands enjoy a very high recall among consumers and influencers while our relationships with our dealers are very strong. In fact, in some cases these relationships go back three generations! Our USP is innovation, which has given us a leadership position in niche but fast-growing market segments.