Astral Pipes
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HIGH TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE: The maximum recommended service temperature of CPVC piping system is 200°F (93°C). Also it can be used at temperature of 110°C at intermittent. EASY INSTALLATION AND LOW INSTALLATION COST: ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC pipes are light in weight. They have smooth, seamless interior walls. No special tools are required for cutting. These features lead to lower installation cost than conventional metal piping. Solvent cemented connections contributes to this lower installation cost while the much lighter weight (about one sixth as much as steel) speeds and simplifies handling during installation. CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC pipe is inactive to attack by strong acids, alkalis, self-solution, alcohols, and many other chemicals. They are dependable in corrosive application and impart no tastes or odours to materials carried in it. It does not react with materials carried, nor as a catalyst. All possibility of contamination, or chemical process changes, and all dangers of clouding slugging or discolouration are eliminated. It is ideal for process piping installation and most service piping applications. For detail, please refer our Chemical Resistance Chart. ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC pipes are highly resilient, tough and durable product that has tensile strength and high impact strength. It will withstand at high pressure and high temperature for long periods. FIRE RESISTANCE: ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC pipe products are self-extinguishing and will not support combustion. They have an ASTM E-84 flame spread rate of 25 or less. INTERNAL CORROSION RESISTANCE: ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC pipe resists chemical attack by most acids, alkalies, slats, and organic media such as alcohols and aliphatic hydrocarbons, within certain limits of temperature and pressure. It provides the needed chemical resistance, while eliminating the disadvantage of special metal lined piping glass, wood, ceramics or other corrosion - resisting materials, which formerly had to be used. EXTERNAL CORROSION RESISTANCE: Industrial fumes, humidity, salt water weather condition, regardless of type of soil or moisture encountered, can’t harm ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC Pipes. Scratches of abrasion do not provide point which corrosive elements can attack. IMMUNITY TO GALVANIC OR ELECTROLYTIC ATTACK: ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC pipe is inherently immune to galvanic or electrolytic action. It can be used underground, underwater, in the presence of metals and can be connected to other materials, or used as an insulator between them. CORROSION FREE: While in many other pipe materials, corrosion may occur and the corroded particles can contaminate the piped fluid, complicating further processing or causing bad taste, odours or discolouration. This is particularly undesirable when the piped fluid is for domestic consumption. With ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC there occur no corrosive by-products, therefore no contamination of the piped fluid. LOW FRICTION LOSS: The inner surface of ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC Pipe is smoother compared to metal and other piping materials, assuring low friction and high flow rates. Additionally, since ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC Pipe will not rust, pit, scale or corrode, the high flow rates will be maintained for the life of the piping system. LOW THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY: ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC Pipe has a much lower thermal conductivity factor than metal pipe. Therefore, fluids being piped maintain more constant temperature. In most cases, pipe insulation is not required. However, applying insulation can lead to have more energy saving & less temperature loss. MAINTENANCE FREE: Once ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC Piping system is properly selected, designed, and installed, it is virtually maintenance free. It will not rust, scale, pit, corrode or promote build-up on the interior, Therefore years of trouble free service can be expected when using ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC pipes, fitting and valves. FREEDOM FROM TOXICITY, ODOURS, TASTES: ASTRAL CHEM PRO CPVC piping is non-toxic, odourless and tasteless.
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