Bharat Floorings and Tiles
Price Available on Request
FIXING & POLISHING TERRAZZO TILES ART DECO RANGE The appearance and life of your floor depends not only on the excellent quality of our tiles, but also on the quality of fixing and polishing. We suggest that you do the fixing and polishing through a contractor recommended by us. In case you already have your own contractor, we give below information which, if followed properly, will ensure a dust free, level and smooth and polished floor. Our experience is that, despite these instructions, many contractors tend to cut corners especially on polishing which determines the final effect of the floor. In case you are not using a contractor recommended by Bharat, there will be an extra charge for demonstrating the correct technique or redoing the polishing as we will have to get our authorised contractors to do this. 1. Joints are a vital part of the floor. Always buy the grouting mixture only us along with the tiles. Use within 30 days of despatch to you. Close bags/containers tightly between uses. 2. You may require the same tile in future. Always keep a sample of the tile for re-ordering. 3. The area on which the tiles are to be fixed should be level. 4. Fix tiles in an average 2.5cm to 4cm Sand Cement bed mortar ratio not leaner that 7:1 with a neat cement slurry on top. For better results we recommend a slurry of white cement for premium white based tiles. At the time of laying itself ensure that there is negligible variation in the level of tiles. 5. Next day and not later the joints are to be filled with a slurry of the Grouting mixture. Joints should be properly cleaned before filling the same. 6. The tiles should be polished with an Italian polishing machine a week after laying. The first coat of polishing is the most important one. It is the cutting / levelling coat and should be done using No.0 polishing stones (SuriPolex or CumiSynthetic stone). Due care should be taken for polishing the joints thoroughly. 7. After 1st coat of polishing tiny pinholes will occur, which should be thoroughly grouted using our grout-mix to match the colour on the tiles. Grouting is to be left for 2 days and cured with water before the tiles are subjected to the second coat of polishing using No.1 stone, followed by Nos. 2, and 3 stone (SuriPolex or CumiSynthetic stone). Ensure floor is washed with water between each polishing. Polish the grooves of the tiles by hand to remove any efflorescence.
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