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A traditional “corner” kitchen layout in a larger, multipurpose room. Highland does not camouflage its functions (cooking, washing and preparing); it displays them with the natural ease of a time when the kitchen was the hub of the home, where everyone spent time. It is no coincidence that the shelves carry items not strictly for use in the kitchen and the peninsula table can be used for purposes other than preparing and eating food. The material (Tioram Larch Melamine), the door frame, the arched handles and the hood are strong signs of this kitchen’s stylistic identity. The Wood colour with its warm grey overtones and the plain central panel will please consumers of sophisticated taste, aware of the latest design trends in finishes. THE TRADITION OF COUNTRY HOMES WITH NEW SIMPLICITY AND ELEGANCE Highland features a framed door in Wood finish with a slightly convex trim connecting the central panel to the frame. The reference to the country kitchen tradition is clear. However, the plain central panel places Highland in the up-to-date, modern “country” category. Other distinguishing features consistent with the model’s positioning are the slightly arched handles, the “chunky” worktop thicknesses and the old-fashioned pyramidal hoods. The refrigerator can be included in the composition and concealed behind doors that match the kitchen or freestanding and separate. This model also includes a large selection of shelves, useful for fitting the product into its context. HIGHLAND, THE TRADITION OF COUNTRY HOMES WITH NEW SIMPLICITY AND ELEGANCE The reference to the country kitchen tradition is clear but Highland makes more concessions to tradition: the trim linking the door frame to the central panel is slightly rounded, and Wood is this model’s exclusive finish. However, the plain central panel places Highland in the up-to-date, modern “country” category and the reference to classical stylistic features is restrained, without excessive ornamentation, and the colours and finishes are modern, with Donan and Tioram Larch Melamine.
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